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1 byte added, 12:09, 8 July 2010
Gameplay consists of setting out to sea, plundering towns and looting ships, also trading, finding the occasional hidden treasure, etc. Every few years, you divide up the plunder (kill off some of your own men before that in battle, this will increase their happiness and share of the loot), then start another expedition. The length of each expedition depends on the morale of the crew (so frequently check morale by pressing fire or space, then select "party status"). At some point they will mutiny if you go on too long without dividing up the plunder.
The game was ported to most 1980's 8 -bit/16bit 16-bit machines: [[Commodore 64|C64]] (looks quite a lot like the Amstrad CPC version), [[Atari|Atari ST]], [[Amiga]], [[PC]] and more.
Some new updated versions were made too: "Pirates! Gold" (with VGA colours on PC) and a modern PC "Sid Meier's Pirates!" 3D version in 2004.